Pro Bono Science ... delivering the fruits of science to everyone.

I believe scientists have an obligation beyond learning what is true.
As professionals, we should profess what we have learned.
We should make the effort to communicate science-based improvements to everyone interested.
Being helpful should be the sole consideration.

The Best Ways Series are science-based “four-leaf-clovers” I have uncovered during my practice.
I offer them to professionals and home-owners because they may make life easier.

The Best Ways Series are an efficient, economical method of delivering the fruits of science.
I hope you find them useful. Print and distribute them freely.

Pro Bono Science
Traditional Marketing
our identity? with you we pretend it’s with you
product / information needed? yes maybe, maybe not
product beneficial yes maybe, maybe not
disclosure? full, detailed disclosure reveal as little as possible
competition desirable? yes no
patent? no yes, if possible
trademark? no absolutely
the goal? greatest benefit / lowest cost greatest profit
the appeal? objective subjective
advertising? honest & informative propaganda
packaging? utilitarian appealing, expensive
marketing efficiency? high costly, unnecessary steps
pricing? at cost what the traffic will bear